Main services-details

Services Name

Services Details

-Individual selection of scholarships

-Assistance and advice on the documents required

-Applying for scholarships

- Consulting on translations issues, legalization of all documents

- Advising on the pre-enrollment procedure

- Advising on the submission of documents for a student visa type D

- Curatorial support from our team on all the above issues until to get a visa.

- Assistance with paperwork for applying for a scholarship and all procedures in Italy related to the scholarship

Big Title



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cursus pharetra, platea id ut. Massa, sit euismod mauris in. Id lobortis consectetur cras ultrices quis viverra. Donec neque mattis eu felis.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cursus pharetra, platea id ut. Massa, sit euismod mauris in. Id lobortis consectetur cras ultrices quis viverra. Donec neque mattis eu felis.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cursus pharetra, platea id ut. Massa, sit euismod mauris in. Id lobortis consectetur cras ultrices quis viverra. Donec neque mattis eu felis.

Customer Reviews

Ziya Ahmedli- Azerbaijan

I am Ziya Ahmadli from Azerbaijan. The program to which I applied was an Architecture course entirely taught in English at Politecnico di Torino. ApplyItaly consultants offered me a free study without tuition fee a great amount of scholarship and several opportunities like these. After deciding about studying abroad, I made some research. Every sign of results directed me to the ApplyItaly team. So I contacted them and got absolutely free consultation to make up my mind on the way to my career. As a result of discussions, I was offered a great number of universities for studying Architecture courses. My choice was Politecnico di Torino in Italy. 

Even though I didn't have any friends in Italy and considering that I have never been here I had doubts about many important things including in place documentary issues. But there was a friendly coordinator who was missioned by the company to help me with everything. So no worries about the question of "how and what to do after coming to Italy ?"

 University staff does their best to give special attention to every student, might be professors, secretariat workers, or simply security. in this case, there can not be any kind of problem that you should worry about.

Since I get positive results to reach my goals in my study life, I always recommended this company to everyone who has the interest to study abroad. Not only to my friends but also to others with whom I had a dialog on this content.


Politecnico di Torino- Architecture

Gerson Singana – Ecuador

I'm Gerson, I'm 19 years old. I come originally from Ecuador 🇪🇨

I'm a current student of Ca' Foscari University of Venice. My bachelor's is in Philosophy, International, and Economic Studies. I have chosen this bachelor's since at a very early age I was engaged in the United Nations club, and has been my dream to study this specific program. It was very surprising that here in Italy they offer this interdisciplinary course and without any doubt, I applied. The preparation was not really difficult, because as I mentioned before, I was in the UN club and the exam admission was related to problems around the world.

The process of getting the visa was a little bit complicated but with the assistance of the ApplyItaly team, I did it. Especially for, me coming from Ecuador, the bureaucracy with the embassy was terrible due to the fact that COVID-19 didn't allow me to make the process normally.

The assistance of the Applyitaly team was quite good because they were always available to help me especially while I was looking for the room, and sometimes that's hard since everything is super new here and we are not familiar with this new environment.

I like Italy, the culture, the historic places and being in Europe, in general, is extremely great! You meet people from all around the world. Italy is a multicultural place, so it's easy to find many diverse people here. Right now, I'm studying in Venice and it's crazy the idea to walk every day through the streets to which many amazing people have been.

The University is great because as they offer many exchange programs, all of them make the effort to understand you and help you with everything you need.

I recommend this agency because they helped me with all the processes which indeed is extremely overwhelming.


Ca Foscari University of Venice-Philosophy, International and Economic Studies.

Nadir Abbasi- Azerbaijan

My name is Nadir Abbasi. I am from Azerbaijan. I'm 24 years old.

I'm studying master's degree in Italy, at the University of Pavia. My faculty in Engineering, my section is Information Technology. Nowadays, we're living in the Technology century, that's why I have selected this section.

I would like to express my gratitude to the ApplyItaly team. Because without them I could not realize my dream. First of all ApplyItaly consultants did a consultation with me and they gave me all information that I needed to be related to studying in Italy and I was very pleased to discover Italy from them. They helped me to choose University. Now I can say that it was a great choice for me. In general admission process was not too complicated. The ApplyItaly team helped me in all steps of admission and scholarship procedure. As you know, we need a visa for coming to Italy. The Visa procedure was a little complicated but not impossible. The main point is to follow all instructions. It is the correct way for getting a visa. You have to believe yourself.  Since 2019 September I'm living in Italy, after coming to Italy in the first weeks it looks so different and difficult. Because you are in another community, environment. Especially, language is different. I recommend to everyone who is planning to come to Italy, first learn the Italian language, at least basic level. I'm living in Pavia, I like this city. This city is a student city with the composition of old and new. University staff is very good, kindly, responsive especially for international students. I strongly recommend you to come and study in Italy with the assistance of the ApplyItaly team.



University of Pavia- Master in Engineering