Main Universities LUMSA University

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General information

Libera Università Maria Santissima Assunta, known as LUMSA University, is recognized as an Italian higher education institution, although it is a private university founded in Rome in 1939 on Catholic principles. LUMSA University, which is the oldest university after Rome University of La Sapienza, has campuses in 3 different cities besides Rome. The university has 7,200 students, was founded by Luigia Tincani, and until the 1990s was a women-only institution with teacher training. Subsequently, he grew rapidly professionally and new faculties were opened, as well as campuses of the educational institution in Taranto in 1997, Palermo in 1999, and finally in Gubbio in 2017.

Educational institutions are designed to meet the learning needs of students and prepare them for the world of work while keeping in mind the importance of the human dimension. Students' relationships with faculty and other university staff are based on listening and exchange of views. The services provided by the university are designed to help students focus on learning, personal development, and choosing the right career. Since its inception, it has focused on students. Seeing its students as the lifeblood of the university, LUMSA University attaches great importance to human tradition, technological innovation, and communication in university life. And the teaching staff at VSK keeps in touch with the students.

Location of LUMSA University?

Although its main building is in Rome, there are also campuses in Taranto, Palermo, and Gubbio. The campus in Rome is located in the heart of the city, close to the Vatican. The Taranto campus is located in the Puglia region, the Palermo campus is located in the Sicily Region and the Gubbio campus is located in the Umbria region.

World University Rankings of LUMSA University

LUMSA University is ranked first among medium-sized private universities in Italy and among non-public universities in Lazio and Sicily.

  • Ranks 1st among non-state universities in Lazio.
  • Ranks first among the non-governmental universities in Sicily.
  • Ranks 4th among the non-governmental universities in Italy.
  • Ranked first among the Roman universities (both public and private).
  • Ranked 1st among the universities of Palermo (both state and non-state).

Famous people who graduated from LUMSA University

  • Sonya Gray (Italian actress and TV presenter)
  • Benedetta Rinaldi (journalist)
  • Liliana Segre (Member of the Senate of the Republic of Italy)
  • Attilio Nicora (clergy, cardinal)
  • Cornelio Fabro (priest)
  • Liliana Cavani (Italian director, screenwriter)
  • Eleanor Daniele (former Italian actress, now TV presenter)
  • Soraya Rodriguez de Aragao (Author)

Campus life at LUMSA University

Rome is the cradle of Italian cultural treasures. In Rome, where every corner smells of history, you will not have time to get bored because the city is very dynamic. There are a huge number of museums, churches, palaces, streets, theaters, cinemas, bars, and restaurants.

LUMSA University students have the opportunity to study abroad through exchange programs thanks to an agreement concluded by LUMSA with 213 universities in Europe and 29 universities in other countries. LUMSA teachers also always exchange information with students.

Tuition fee

Tuition fees at LUMSA University are 3500 Euros per year. However, prices for some programs differ. Tuition fees at LUMSA University are calculated based on the student's family income and country of origin. The cost varies from 156 to 3500 Euros.

Italy is one of the countries offering the most scholarships in Europe. Scholarship opportunities differ depending on the university and the faculty you are applying to. In Italy, consisting of regions, each region provides scholarships in accordance with its established rules. These scholarships vary based on family income, academic performance and personal income of students. Moreover, the university provides scholarships to many successful students. The key requirement of a university for a scholarship is a success.


LUMSA University strives to provide its students with dormitories. It offers comfortable accommodation in two dormitories near the university in the Prati area. Moreover, even if you cannot use the university dormitory, the university accommodation service will help you find comfortable accommodation for free.

For more information on universities and faculties, as well as available scholarship options, fill out the application form and our coordinators will contact you shortly.