Main Universities Milan Conservatory named after Giuseppe Verdi

Milan Conservatory named after Giuseppe Verdi

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General information

The Milan Conservatory named after Giuseppe Verdi, the largest institution for music education in Italy, was founded in Milan, the capital of the Italian Napoleonic kingdom, in 1807 by the Italian Governor-General Eugene de Beauharnais. The Giuseppe Verdi Conservatory of Music, which is one of the most important musical institutions in the national and international arena, has two concert halls. These are the halls of Puccini and Verdi; more than 200 concerts are held here annually. The Milan Conservatory is active research and artistic center. Its historical library contains over 500,000 bibliographies. It also has an Erasmus exchange with approximately 70 universities such as the Paris National Conservatory of Music and Dance and the University of Kansas.

Location of Milan Conservatory named after Giuseppe Verdi?

Milan Conservatory is located on Via Giuseppe Verdi in the city center and takes its name from Giuseppe Verdi, the most famous Italian composer, whose works are performed most often around the world and who comes from the Italian opera school of the 19th century.

Life in Milan

Milan is the economic and financial center of Italy. Approximately 10% of a country's gross domestic product (GDP-gross domestic product) comes from here.

Milan is one of the main cities preferred by such important international companies and organizations as RAI, SKY, Yahoo!, Rolls Royce, and Google for their services and activities in Italy. It is also a very important manufacturing center for the automotive industry.

In particular, tourism has grown and developed a lot. Recently, the city has become more and more popular all over the world. International students can also improve their language skills by working part-time in Milan.


Milan Conservatory offers the opportunity to choose the Giuseppe Verdi Conservatory of Music, which is the largest music academy in Milan or even Italy, whether you are a soloist or play an instrument. It opens unique doors for international students, those who play instruments, sing solo or in a choir, those who want to practice solfeggio or as an orchestra conductor. It is one of the finest conservatories in the world for those looking to professionally improve their stage performances and technique. The conservatory accepts students from an early age, as it is in partnership with middle and high schools. Evening courses are also available.


Famous people who graduated from Milan Conservatory named after Giuseppe Verdi

Here are some of the famous people who studied and saw at the Milan Conservatory:

  • Franco Donatoni (Italian composer)
  • Amilcare Ponchielli (Italian musician, opera composer, and teacher)
  • Riccardo Muti (Italian conductor)
  • Giacomo Puccini (Italian composer)
  • Riccardo Chailly (Italian conductor)
  • Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli (Italian pianist) of the Milan Conservatory Department

Tuition fee

Tuition fees at the Milan Conservatory are calculated based on the student’s family income and country of origin. The cost varies from 150 to 3500 Euros. Italy is one of the countries offering the most scholarships in Europe. Scholarship opportunities differ depending on the university and the faculty you are applying to. In Italy, consisting of regions, each region provides scholarships in accordance with its established rules. These scholarships vary based on family income, academic performance, and personal income of students.


Milan Conservatory named after Giuseppe Verdi provides its students with dormitories. Moreover, there are many agencies that the university has agreed with. Students can choose from a variety of alternatives as there are many accommodation options such as private dorms, residences, apartments of different sizes. Thanks to an abundance of options in Milan, there are suitable residences for low, medium, and large budgets.

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