Main Universities University of Perugia for foreigners

University of Perugia for foreigners

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General information

The University of Perugia for foreigners was founded in 1920 with the aim of teaching the Italian language and culture to foreigners. From day one, this university has established itself as a symbol of tolerance, as a meeting place for people of different cultures. The University for Foreigners of Perugia currently offers a rich and varied teaching structure, in which, in addition to Italian language and culture courses and continuing education courses for teachers of Italian as a foreign language, there are undergraduate students. and a master's degree in the teaching and promotion of the Italian language and culture, advertising communications, and international relations. Upon completion of the studies, the university offers postgraduate studies focused on professional specialization and research activities such as obtaining master's degrees I and II levels and doctoral opportunities. The university is located in Perugia, one of the most interesting cities in Italy in terms of its artistic, historical, and monumental heritage. Perugia, located in central Italy, between Rome and Florence, is a lively and modern cultural center with a rich annual program of events and exhibitions, making it interesting all year round.

Location of the University of Perugia for foreigners?

The university is located in Perugia, one of the most interesting cities in Italy in terms of its artistic, historical, and monumental heritage. Perugia, located in central Italy, between Rome and Florence, is a lively and modern cultural center with a rich annual program of events and exhibitions that makes it interesting all year round. Apart from two universities, Perugia is also home to the Pietro Vannucci Academy of Fine Arts, the Francesco Morlacchi Music Conservatory, and the Comunale Augusta Library, which houses extremely valuable ancient manuscripts and historical documents.

Campus life at the University of Perugia for foreigners

Perugia is one of the most beautiful and interesting cities in Italy with ancient artistic, cultural, and historical traditions. Perugia is located in Central Italy, just two hours by train from Florence and Rome.

The city of Perugia is also a vibrant, modern, and innovative cultural center. Every year it is filled with people from all over the world attending events such as the Umbria Jazz Festival, International Journalism Festival, Sagra Musicale Umbra, Festarch International Architecture Festival, Euroschocolate, Umbria Music Fest, Umbria Wine Festival, Perugia Science Fest. The university organizes concerts, shows and theater performances, exhibitions and film screenings, as well as other initiatives and activities in which students can participate free of charge. Anyone interested in expressing their own artistic talent and wishes to organize and conduct social and cultural events can contact the International Area for International Students, which will provide all the necessary support for the implementation of the proposed initiatives. University students are issued discount cards that they can use in the canteens. With these concession cards, students can eat in canteens at a low cost.


The University for Foreigners of Perugia gives students the opportunity to choose from a wide range of accommodations through a new online service called “Cercalloggio Umbria”.

With Cercalloggio Umbria, students can receive information and make reservations for their stay in Perugia before arriving. The site offers apartments, single and double rooms, residences, studio apartments, and houses for rent. The booking service is free.

Famous people who graduated from the University of Perugia for foreigners

  • Palazzo Gallenga,
  • Helmut Berger
  • Shirley Emmons
  • Michelle Jean
  • Amanda Knox
  • Leka - Crown Prince of Albania
  • Bront Palare
  • Arthur Penn


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