Main Universities New Academy of Fine Arts NABA

New Academy of Fine Arts NABA

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General information

Founded in, NABA, Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti, with campuses in Milan and Rome, is the largest private art academy in Italy. Since 1981, NABA has been officially recognized by the Higher Education System in Arts and Music (AFAM, Alta Formazione Artistica e Musicale), regulated by the Ministry of Universities and Research (MUR).

The NABA Academy was founded in Milan, one of the world capitals of design, fashion, and contemporary art. In 2019, it opens its headquarters in Rome with its unparalleled artistic heritage, great contemporary architectural projects, the tradition of Italian cinema, and the tailoring of the couture school. Studying at NABA allows students from all over the world to become part of the global fashion industry.

The salary of NABA alumni is 23% higher than that of alumni of other Italian universities.

Location New Academy of Fine Arts?

The campus of the Rome University of NABA is located in one of the busiest areas of the city - the Garbatella quarter, located in the southeastern part of Rome. The university occupies two historic buildings dating from the early 20th century.

For classes, there are classrooms, a sewing studio, a media studio, a printing, and engraving laboratory, a library, lounges, and dining areas.

Campus life in New Academy of Fine Arts

Close to the campus, you can find the city's key attractions: theaters, museums, galleries, cathedrals, and more. Also, all NABA students receive personal Milan Identity Cards, which give them the opportunity to visit cultural points on more favorable terms.

The campus of the university is located in a historical complex, consisting of 13 buildings, including laboratories, a cafeteria, a language center, and a library. On-campus there is an art supply store, a copy center.

NABA library has over 12,000 volumes, 50 magazine subscriptions, 400 DVDs for various fields of study.


The NABA Housing Office provides all enrolled students with free housing assistance. Provides a list of hostels and hotels with prices. Accommodation is also possible in private dormitories, in apartments. Thanks to an agreement between the university and private student residences, single and double dorm rooms are available.

Tuition fee

Tuition fees at NABA University start at 18600 Euro per year.

NABA supports talented young students. Each year, the university provides 40 partial tuition scholarships. Grants are provided in the amount of 60%, 50%, 40%, and 20% discounts when paying for two-year, academic master's programs. Scholarships are awarded based on the evaluation of a project sent by candidates for the course of interest.

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