Cost of living and costs in Italy

01 November 2021

The cost of living for a student in Italy consists of the cost of housing, meals, travel on public transport, the purchase of textbooks, clothing, and related expenses.

In Rome, Milan, Venice, and other large cities in Italy, life is more expensive than in small provinces. To save money, students can choose different accommodation options: from a single room (from 300 Euros/month) to a double room (from 200 Euros/month) and a triple room (from 100 Euros/month).

Food costs are another 100-150 Euros per month. Public transport: A monthly pass costs 35 Euros. It is profitable for students to buy annual passes, which, as a rule, are valid for all types of transport in the city without limiting the number of trips. For example, in Milan, the annual subscription costs 200 Euros, and in Rome from 125 to 150 Euros per year.

Residence permit (permesso di soggiorno) -120 Euros (renewed every year) Private health insurance - for emergency care only at a cost of 150 Euros per year. University libraries usually have all the necessary literature, but do not always lend it out. Therefore, you have to buy some books.

Students have found a way to save money here too - they buy books of previous students, paying only half the cost. So, books pass from hand to hand for years. As a result, a student spends about 6000-7000 Euros per year. Many university students in Italy work part-time. Foreign students have the right to work in their free time from studying 20 hours a week. Typically, students earn  5-10 Euros per hour.