Codice fiscale

02 November 2021

- Tax number - Codice Fiscale

-Taxpayer identification number (TIN) - Codice Fiscale (it.) is an individual tax number, which consists of letters and numbers.

- Tax number is a code consisting of sixteen characters (letters and numbers) that contains the encoded personal data of a resident/taxpayer (name, patronymic, gender, date, and place of birth).

Codice fiscale is required to perform various actions. These include:

-obtaining medical insurance;

- employment for hire;

-the beginning of self-employment;

- the conclusion of contracts;

-calculation and payment of taxes in Italy;

-opening a personal bank account, etc.

-Many other operations will also require Codice fiscale.

Procedure for obtaining a tax number

Foreigners legally residing in Italy

- Non-EU citizens legally residing in Italy can request TIN in person or through an authorized representative at the tax office closest to their place of residence (Agenzia delle Entrate).