How to get - Permesso di soggiorno?

01 November 2021

Permesso di soggiorno- residence permit for a foreign student: specifics of obtaining:


-What to do upon arrival in Italy?

-How much does it cost to obtain a study residence permit?

-What rights does the study residence permit in Italy give?


What to do upon arrival in Italy?

After you cross the Italian border with a student visa, you have 8 days to apply for a residence permit. You need to go to the post office and take an envelope for submitting a request, it is called «kit per il permesso di soggiorno per motivi di studio». Inside you will find all the necessary forms to fill out.

How much does it cost to get a student residence permit?


The cost of the entire procedure consists of several components:

-State fee for a residence permit lasting 1 year: 70,46 Euros

-Brand da Boll: 16 Euros

-Postage envelope: 30 Euros


What rights does a study residence permit in Italy give?

-Study residence permit gives the right to enter the Schengen countries without a visa.

-In addition, you can stay in these countries for up to 90 days.

-The holder of an educational residence permit has the right to work in Italy with a time limit: no more than 20 hours per week.

-You can apply for Italian citizenship after 10 years of legal residence in Italy for an educational or work residence permit.